Pimpawee Kograbin: Education, Career, Awards, Family, Relationship, Husband, Kids

Personal Info
Full Name Pimpawee Kograbin Nick/Other Name Toon, ตูน
Citizenship Thai Born On (Date) March 28, 1989
Birth (Place) Bangkok, Thailand Gender Female
Current Height 165 cm Current Weight 44 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Model, Television Personality
Actively Working 2014 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Interactive Media Design and Multimedia SWU in Prasanmit
Marital Status Single

Schooling and University Education

Actress Toon Pimpawee Kograbin is a talented celebrity who completed her higher education properly. She joined the Faculty of Social Communication Innovation Donna Interactive Media Design and Multimedia SWU in Prasanmit and graduated after her basic schooling education in Thailand.

Is Toon Pimpawee Kograbin Married / Single?

No, Toon Pimpawee Kograbin is not married according to current data but may be possible that she is in a romantic relationship with someone. Still, publically she is single and she is not dating someone. always, has a very connected and romantic relationship with her co-stars, who work along with her such as Phiravich Attachitsataporn, Nawasch Phupantachsee, and Narilya Gulmongkolpech.