Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul Nick/Other Name Kin, คินน
Citizenship Thai Born On (Date) May 26, 2004
Birth (Place) Bangkok, Thailand Gender Male
Current Height - Current Weight -
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Guitarist, Singer
Actively Working 2024 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Graduated from Anglo Singapore international
Marital Status Single

Kin Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul Wiki & Personal Life

Thai television actor, singer, and guitarist Kin Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul was born on 26 June 2004 in Bangkok, Thailand. He is a multitalented actor who speaks multiple languages very fluently such as Thai, Chinese, and English. 

Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul University Education

Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul graduated from Anglo Singapore international and then he joined Kasetsart University's Faculty of Economics, where he studied Arts in Entrepreneurial Economics.

Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul Additional Work

Along with his education and career, Thanachai Sakchaicharoenkul was a three-time ice hockey champion at the South East Asia You Cup from 2017 to 2019.