Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn

Personal and Professional Life

Personal Info
Full Name Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn Nick/Other Name Prom, พร้อม
Citizenship Thai Born On (Date) March 12, 1999
Birth (Place) Bangkok, Thailand Gender Male
Current Height 180 cm Current Weight 65 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Disc Jockey, Model, Singer
Actively Working 2020 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended Engineering Faculty in the Mechanical Branch
Marital Status Single

Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn Wiki & Personal Life

Thai television actor Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn was born on 12 March 1999 in Thailand and grew up here with his family members by taking basic schooling education.

Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn Higher Education

For higher education, Prom Ratchapat Worrasarn joined the Engineering Faculty in the Mechanical Branch at Khon Khaen University.