Vishal Aditya Singh

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Vishal Aditya Singh Nick/Other Name Vishal
Citizenship Indian Born On (Date) January 25, 1988
Birth (Place) Arrah, Bihar, India Gender Male
Current Height 191 cm Current Weight 85 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Media Proprietor, Model
Actively Working 2010 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended A Local School And University In Bihar
Marital Status In-Relationship

Vishal Aditya Singh Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Indian actor Vishal Aditya Singh was born on 25 January 1988 in Arrah, Bihar, India. He has excelled in cricket at school and state tournaments.[citation needed] He began his career as a model, and came to Mumbai after some modeling assignments, to pursue his acting career.

In 2018, Vishal Aditya Singh was ranked in The Times of India's Most Desirable Men On Television list at No. 13, No. 17 in 2019, and No. 18 in 2020.