Brandon T. Jackson

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Brandon T. Jackson Nick/Other Name Brandon Timothy Jackson
Citizenship American Born On (Date) March 07, 1984
Birth (Place) Detroit, Michigan, U.S. Gender Male
Current Height 170 cm Current Weight 70 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Comedian
Actively Working 1997 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended West Bloomfield High School
Marital Status Single

Brandon T. Jackson Wiki, Personal, Professional Life

Brandon T. Jackson was born on 7 March 1984 in Detroit, Michigan to Beverly Yvonne (Mother), who works as a pastor, and Bishop Wayne Timothy Jackson (Father), who works as the senior pastor of Great Faith Ministries International.

Jackson attended West Bloomfield High School. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue stand-up comedy and started at the Laugh Factory.