Billy Magnussen

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Billy Magnussen Nick/Other Name William Gregory Magnussen
Citizenship American Born On (Date) April 20, 1985
Birth (Place) New York City, U.S. Gender Male
Current Height 179 cm Current Weight 73 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 2007 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended University of North Carolina School of the Arts
Marital Status Single

Billy Magnussen Wiki, Personal, Professional Life

American actor Billy Magnussen was born with the name of  William Gregory Magnussen on 20 April 1985 in Woodhaven, Queens, New York City, the son of Daina, an aerobics instructor, and Greg Magnussen, a professional bodybuilder and kickboxer.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
Lift Magnus 2024
Reunion Evan West 2024
Road House Ben Brandt 2024
Lilo & Stitch Agent Pleakley TBA
A Big Bold Beautiful Journey Unknown TBA