Jonas Armstrong

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Jonas Armstrong Nick/Other Name William Jonas Armstrong
Citizenship British Born On (Date) January 01, 1981
Birth (Place) Dublin, Ireland Gender Male
Current Height 181 cm Current Weight 76 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 2003 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Bachelor's of Arts from Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Marital Status Single

Jonas Armstrong Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Jonas Armstrong was born with the name of William Jonas Armstrong in Dublin, Ireland on New Year's Day of 1981. He spent his early years in Ireland before his family moved to Lytham St Annes when he was six.

Jonas Armstrong attended Arnold School and later won a place at RADA, where he completed his graduation in 2003 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in acting.