Nava Mau

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Nava Mau Nick/Other Name Nava
Citizenship Mexican Born On (Date) May 14, 1992
Birth (Place) Mexico City, Mexico Gender Female
Current Height 167 cm Current Weight 55 kg
Professional Info
Professions Unknown
Actively Working 2017 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Unknown
Marital Status Single

Nava Mau Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Nava Mau was born in Mexico City, the child of a counselor and an accountant father. She was raised in San Antonio, Texas and Oakland, California. Mau earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in linguistics and cognitive science from Pomona College.

Nava Mau is a transgender woman and has played a transgender character in most productions she has worked on.