Cush Jumbo

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Cush Jumbo Nick/Other Name Cush Jumbo OBE
Citizenship British Born On (Date) September 23, 1985
Birth (Place) Cush Jumbo Gender Female
Current Height 170 cm Current Weight 55 kg
Professional Info
Professions Adult Film Director, Producer, Writer
Actively Working 2006 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Acting course at Central School of Speech and Drama
Marital Status Married
  • Sean Griffin (2014-2023)

Cush Jumbo Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Actress Cush Jumbo was born on 23 September 1985 in King's College Hospital in the Denmark Hill area of London, to Angela and Marx Jumbo. Her mother is British and her father is Nigerian.

Jumbo graduated with a first from the BA Acting course at Central School of Speech and Drama before starting her career. She considered undertaking teacher training in London before finally settling on a career as an actress.