Toby Jones

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Toby Jones Nick/Other Name Edward Heslewood
Citizenship British Born On (Date) September 07, 1966
Birth (Place) Hammersmith, London Gender Male
Current Height 179 cm Current Weight 63 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 1992 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq
Marital Status Married
  • Karen Jones (2005-Present)

Toby Jones Wiki, Education, Professional Life

British popular actor Toby Jones was born on 7 September 1966 in Hammersmith, London, England, to actors Jennifer Jones and Freddie Jones.

Toby Jones attended Christ Church Cathedral School and Abingdon School in Oxfordshire in the 1980s. He studied drama at the University of Manchester from 1986 to 1989, and at L'École Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq in Paris from 1989 to 1991.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
Indiana Jones And The Dial of Destiny Basil Shaw 2023
The Instigators Alan Flynn 2024
The Actor Unknown TBA