Lucy Fallon

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Lucy Fallon Nick/Other Name Fallon
Citizenship British Born On (Date) November 13, 1995
Birth (Place) Blackpool, Lancashire, England Gender Female
Current Height 154 cm Current Weight 50 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress
Actively Working 2015 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended the Blackpool Sixth Form College
Marital Status In-Relationship
  • Ryan Ledson (2020-Present)

Lucy Fallon Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Popular British actress Lucy Fallon was born on 13 November 1995 in Blackpool, Lancashire, and grew up in Cleveleys, to engineer Andrew Fallon and accountant Angela Fallon. At dancing and drama at the Barbara Jackson Theatre Arts Centre; since the age of eight, she had private drama classes and also took the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA).

She went to Hodgson Academy and then attended the Blackpool Sixth Form College, where she achieved a Distinction Star and two Distinctions in BTEC Extended Diploma Performing Arts. For financial reasons, she declined offers from the Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and ArtsEd to study musical theatre.