Holliday Grainger

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Holliday Grainger Nick/Other Name Holly Grainger
Citizenship British Born On (Date) March 27, 1988
Birth (Place) Didsbury, Manchester Gender Female
Current Height 155 cm Current Weight 52 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress
Actively Working 1995 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended University of Leeds and finally Open University
Marital Status In-Relationship

Holliday Grainger Wiki, Parents, Personal Life

British actress Holliday Grainger was born with the full name Holliday Clark Grainger on 27 March 1988 in Didsbury, Manchester, England, and grew up here. Her maternal grandfather was Italian. 

Holliday Grainger Education, Professional Life

Grainger attended Parrs Wood High School from 1999 to 2006 and in 2007 began studying for a degree in English literature at the University of Leeds. However, she eventually opted for the Open University.

Grainger's first experience of acting was at the age of five when she was scouted for a BBC TV series. She appeared in many TV shows and independent films as a child actor.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
Halo of Stars Emm TBA