Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Mary Elizabeth Winstead Nick/Other Name Mary Winstead
Citizenship American Born On (Date) November 28, 1984
Birth (Place) Rocky Mount, North Carolina Gender Female
Current Height 173 cm Current Weight 57 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Producer
Actively Working 1997 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended Peruvian Park Elementary, The Joffrey Ballet
Marital Status Married

Mary Elizabeth Winstead Wiki, Education, Personal Life

Actress Mary Elizabeth Winstead was born on 28 November 1984 in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, to Betty Lou and James Ronald Winstead as the youngest children of five.

Winstead attended Peruvian Park Elementary and took advanced classes after that she studied dance in a Joffrey Ballet summer program in Chicago and sang in the International Children's Choir.