Osvaldo de Leon

Personal and Professional Life

Personal Info
Full Name Osvaldo de Leon Nick/Other Name Osvaldo
Citizenship American Born On (Date) May 06, 1984
Birth (Place) Brownsville, Texas, U.S. Gender Male
Current Height 173 cm Current Weight 69 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 2015 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Studies in Mexico City at the Centro de Educación Artística (CEA)
Marital Status In-Relationship
  • Victoria Camacho (2016-Present)
  • Cecilia Suárez (2009-2010)

Osvaldo de León Personal Life

Osvaldo de León started a romantic relationship with Cecilia Suárez unfortunately they ended their relationship later. In December 2011, he started a relationship with Cassandra Sanchez Navarro, which ended in May 2012. Since 2016, he is in a relationship with Victoria Camacho.