Erika Buenfil

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Erika Buenfil Nick/Other Name Teresa de Jesús Buenfil
Citizenship Mexican Born On (Date) November 23, 1964
Birth (Place) Monterrey, Nuevo León Gender Female
Current Height 167 cm Current Weight 60 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Singer
Actively Working 1974 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended Centro de Educación Artística
Marital Status Single

Erika Buenfil Wiki, Education, Personal Life

Actress Erika Buenfil was born with the name of Teresa de Jesús Buenfil López on 23 November 1964 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Erika Buenfil started her career in show business at the age of 11, her first telenovela appearance was in 1977 in Acompañame. 

In 2005, Buenfil became a mother, having given birth to Nicolás de Jesús. Controversy followed when the press pressured her to mention the name of the child's father, which she refused to do. She later revealed that the father of her child is the son of Mexican ex-president Ernesto Zedillo. When asked how her relationship with the father of her child is, she said in 2011 that it does not exist. Doesn't know where he is, he knows nothing.