Joanna Scanlan

Personal and Professional Life

Personal Info
Full Name Joanna Scanlan Nick/Other Name Joanna Marion Scanlan
Citizenship British Born On (Date) October 27, 1961
Birth (Place) West Kirby, Cheshire Gender Female
Current Height 155 cm Current Weight 55 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Writer
Actively Working 1997 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Studied history at Queens' College, Cambridge
Marital Status Married
  • Neil Bicknell (2009-Present)

Joanna Scanlan Wiki, Education, Personal Life

Joanna Scanlan was born with the full name "Joanna Marion Scanlan" on 27 October 1961 in West Kirby, then in Cheshire, the daughter of hoteliers Michael and Patricia Scanlan. Although born in England, her family comes from North Wales. She moved to North Wales with her parents at the age of three, where she grew up.

Scanlan attended Brigidine Convent and Howell's School in Denbigh, as well as New Hall School in Chelmsford, Essex. She studied history at Queens' College, Cambridge, and joined the Cambridge Footlights, where she became friends with Tilda Swinton.