Synopsis of Doctor Slump K-Drama
It follows the story of Yeo Jeong Woo, who consistently ranked first in academics and attended the leading medical school in the country during his school years. Becoming a renowned plastic surgeon, his life unfolded smoothly until a mysterious medical incident pushed him to the brink. It is during this challenging period that he encounters Nam Ha Neul, his former rival.
Nam Ha Neul, employed as an anesthesiologist, gained a reputation for her exceptional intelligence during her upbringing. Devoting herself to rigorous studies, she achieved her dream of becoming a doctor, but her life revolved solely around work and academics, devoid of any leisure. Realizing her dissatisfaction with this routine, Ha Neul yearns for change. It is during this pivotal moment that she crosses paths with Jeong Woo, and amidst their shared struggles, a romantic relationship blossoms, offering comfort and solace to both.