Synopsis & Storyline of the Drama
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Korean drama series follows the story of dentist Yoon Hye Jin, who escapes the city to a seaside village after a conflict with her boss where she had vacationed as a young girl, where she learns the village is without a dentist. She decides to set up her practice there permanently but the former city-dwellers stiff and guarded demeanor almost immediately rubs the locals the wrong way.
Where to Watch It, With Subtitles
You can watch Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Korean drama on multiple platforms with subscription as well as free, which are mentioned below in detail:
- Netflix (Only Subscription It is not free)
- TVING (They provide their service in only South Korean regions)
- TVN (It is a Television network placed in South Korea)