Story Plot or Synopsis, Blank GL Series
Blank series follows the story of a young woman Nueng, who has been raised under the strict guidance of her grandmother. She has never had the opportunity to experience love and acceptance but everything changes when she meets Anueng, a cheerful personality. Anueng came from happiness but there is a hidden sorrow lurking behind her eyes. Nueng finds herself drawn to Anueng in a way she has never experienced before her heart is increased with this new emotion.
What On OTT's Network, Blank With English Subtitles
The first episode of the "Blank" series was released on 2nd March 2024, we did not have the exact network name where you can watch it now because of that the series creators have not shared details related to that but you should check it out on Youtube if you are interested to watch it with subtitles. Most Thai series once released on YouTube but nowadays the series creators are releasing their series on a specific OTT platform only.