Synopsis and Storyline of “Same Place, New Pace”
The story centers on Pugan, an artist who values his privacy, and Amy, a lively young woman whose life is dominated by social media. Despite their contrasting natures, destiny unites them at a house rich with Amy's childhood memories, leading her to contemplate her past. Amy goes back to her family home to search for her mother's cherished belongings, hoping they will restore joy to her life. She proposes to rent the house for a month, agreeing to leave if she doesn’t find the items.
Leading & Supporting Cast List of "Same Place, New Pace"
According to the data, actress "Ferin Weerin Kaewpuk" joined the leading cast of the series "Same Place, New Pace" in the role of Pugan but other leading and supporting cast lists are still pending disclose by the series creators that may come out soon.