Mathew Baynton

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Mathew Baynton Nick/Other Name Mathew John Baynton
Citizenship British Born On (Date) November 18, 1980
Birth (Place) Essex, England Gender Male
Current Height 178 cm Current Weight 65 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Comedian, Musician, Writer
Actively Working 2000 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended Rose Bruford College For Higher Education
Marital Status Married
  • Kelly Robinson (Unknown-Present)

Mathew Baynton Wiki and Education

Actor and musician Mathew Baynton was born on 18 November 1980 and grew up in Southend-on-Sea, Essex. He is the youngest of three boys, with two older brothers, Daniel and Andrew. He was educated at Southend High School for Boys. He graduated with first-class honors from the Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama, and later trained in clowning at École Philippe Gaulier in Paris.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
Rye Lane Felix Fickelgruber 2023