Tom Goodman-Hill

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Tom Goodman-Hill Nick/Other Name Goodman-Hill
Citizenship British Born On (Date) May 21, 1968
Birth (Place) Enfield, United Kingdom Gender Male
Current Height 183 cm Current Weight 79 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 1990 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Drama and English
Marital Status Married

Tom Goodman-Hill Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Tom Goodman-Hill was born and grew up in Northumberland. He regularly acted in amateur performances at the People's Theatre, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Tom Goodman-Hill earned a BA in Drama and English with a teaching qualification from the University of Warwick, where he took an active role in student drama. He spent a year as a supply teacher in Coventry before moving to London to pursue a full-time acting career.