Ellie Leach

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Ellie Leach Nick/Other Name Ellie Louise Leach
Citizenship British Born On (Date) March 15, 2001
Birth (Place) Greater Manchester, England Gender Female
Current Height 155 cm Current Weight -
Professional Info
Professions Actress, Dancer
Actively Working 2009 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended Fairfield High School for Girls
Marital Status Single

Ellie Leach Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Actress Ellie Leach was born with the name Ellie Louise Leach on 15 March 2001 in Manchester, Greater Manchester, England. Leach attended Fairfield High School for Girls.

Leach began her television career by appearing in television advertisements for Staples and McDonald's and in 2009, she appeared in the film A Boy Called Dad, and then in Moving On as Stacy.