Lee Ingleby

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Lee Ingleby Nick/Other Name Lee David Ingleby
Citizenship British Born On (Date) January 28, 1976
Birth (Place) Lancashire, England Gender Male
Current Height 170 cm Current Weight 74 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor
Actively Working 1997 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
Marital Status Single

Lee Ingleby Wiki, Education, Professional Life

Actor Lee Ingleby was born on 28 January 1976 with the name Lee David Ingleby in Burnley, Lancashire, to Gordon Ingleby and Susan M Hoggarth and they lived in nearby Brierfield during the early part of his life, attending Edge End High School.

For higher education, Lee Ingleby joined Accrington and Rossendale College before progressing to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art in London.