Maribel Verdu

Personal And Professional Information

Personal Info
Full Name Maribel Verdu Nick/Other Name María Isabel Verdú Rollán
Citizenship Spanish Born On (Date) October 02, 1970
Birth (Place) Madrid, Spain Gender Female
Current Height 166 cm Current Weight 56 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actress
Actively Working 1985 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Left School at The Age of 15
Marital Status Married
  • Pedro Larrañaga (1999-Present)

Maribel Verdu Wiki, Education, Personal Life

Maribel Verdu was born on 2 October 1970 in Madrid, Spain. She began acting at 13, appearing in various commercials. She left school at the age of 15 so that she could fully devote herself to her acting career. She has appeared in more than 60 movies, since 1984, the majority of them in Spanish. She has also been on numerous TV shows.

Movies & Short Films List

Film Name Role Name Released Year
The Flash Nora Allen 2023