Ziggy Heath

Personal and Professional Life

Personal Info
Full Name Ziggy Heath Nick/Other Name Zygmunt Lawrence Giedroyc
Citizenship British Born On (Date) March 19, 1991
Birth (Place) Hammersmith, London Gender Male
Current Height 181 cm Current Weight 81 kg
Professional Info
Professions Actor, Writer
Actively Working 2013 - Present
Agencies (Work For)
  • ...
Higher Education Attended London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art
Marital Status Married

Ziggy Heath Wiki, Education, Personal Life

Ziggy Heath was born in West London to what he has described as a traditional Polish catholic family. He was christened Zygmunt to have a traditional Polish name but it was shortened to Ziggy, in-part because his parents are both fans of David Bowie. He graduated from London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.