Synopsis, Only Friends BL Series (2023)
A group of business students named Mew, Ray, and Boston manage a hostel together, blurring the boundaries between friendship and romance.
Mew has been putting all of his attention into his academics, leaving no time for sex or relationships. Boston presents Mew to Top after discovering his friend's honesty. Boston is unhappy with the way things have turned out since what he had planned to be a one-night fling becomes something more. Saen, a student of economics, desires an exclusive relationship with Ray, but Ray has a love for Mew and isn't eager to give them up. IT professional Nick discovers a sex clip in Boston's phone and develops a friendship with benefits with him. Nick, though, is looking for more.
Watch "Only Friends", with English Subtitles
If you are an international audience and want to watch audience then watch it on GMM 25 television network.